Articles and Recognition
Elizabeth Mozer – LoCo Foods – Distributing Healthy and Locally-Sourced Food to Her Community
The ‘good food’ paradigm.
2017 Colorado Companies to Watch
June 23, 2017
Colorado Companies to Watch is a unique statewide awards program recognizing growing companies that fuel the economic fire of the state. The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade launched the program in 2009 in conjunction with the Edward Lowe Foundation and valuable sponsors, key drivers, community and supporting partners, and volunteers from throughout the state of Colorado. The Edward Lowe Foundation continues to serve as an advisor to the program.
LoCo Food Distribution Delivering Convenience and Efficiency
May 10, 2015
Sometimes great businesses are born out of necessity. Elizabeth Mozer, with her husband Ben, learned this firsthand when trying to use local food at their Old Town movie home, the Lyric Cinema Cafe. "We were running around all over the place tracking down and stocking local products." Mozer said.